My first book for children was on conflict resolution and then as a visiting author and artist in schools, libraries and museums, with public and private groups I taught a drawing technique to children for the purpose of developing empathy and working well with peers as a result. That lead to a deep meditation drawing practice that I teach mainly to adults (kids already know naturally) and found it to be a joyous way to recapture creative empowerment (an essential for being human) and empathic, intuitive “quiet knowing”. This is something we all have and need to develop more since imagination, creativity and spiritual sensing are all in one place (not just the right side of the brain, but in our hearts, too).
Join me as we draw with creative joy and abandonment (like we once did!) to strengthen our empathic, intuitive, creative side of the brain. At Indigo Wellness on Nov. 4th 1-3 pm $30.00
Is there an animal you especially relate to? When my kids were little, I related to bears because mother bears are so protective of their young. I have always been completely enthralled with bald eagles. I love horses. And lions. And
Try doing a stream drawing and see what animal pops up. This morning, I got dog (and I featured this drawing in todays newsletterplease subscribe to receive the images I send out with the intention to inspire, support and celebrate you/me on our lifes crazy, wild ride). Dog symbolizes trust, loyalty, unconditional love and companionship. Who is worthy of my trust? Am I trustworthy?
Ohand a blue jay showed upI love them. Theyre fierce birds, arent they? I have to look up meanings for blue jay. If you know, let me know!
I have the most talented, brilliant mentor and friend in Dr. Laurie Nadel, or Dr. Laurie as I like to refer to her. You may have read her best seller books or seen her on Oprah (she was on twice!). She writes about intuitive intelligence and is a very, very compassionate, gifted therapist and healer. Wise and caring, youd be lucky to seek and receive her wisdom and guidance.
Dr. Laurie Nadel offers one-on-one consultations to help you heal your fears and recover from traumatic loss.
Drawing on 26 years of experience, she interprets your dreams and develops a unique blueprint for you to achieve optimal results.
Call for a complimentary phone consultation: 212.560.2333
Do you notice that throughout the day different memories drift into your mind and before you know it, youve got a running narrative of various painful thoughts? When I stream draw with people and we ready ourselves for a memory stream drawing, the memories that generally want our attention immediately are not all the happy ones. Ekhart Tolle describes this as the pain bodyit is like an alternate self to who you truly arean ego construct that hangs out with you, often makes decisions for you and runs your lifeif you allow it. It is a hungry separate self carrying all the pain youve suffered and it feeds on more pain, and it will fight hard to stay with you in your every moment. You, the real you, the whole and complete and miraculous you in essence, is not this pain body.
So why do we let memories from so long ago or even yesterday, ruin our moment in the now? Why would we let this specter, this victim of life circumstances have power over our time, each moment? We dont have to. The moment we notice this is happening, that we replay in our thoughts things that re-injure us, this is the pivotal opportunity because once YOU realize YOU can see that this pain has staying power, YOU are no longer identifying with the pain because you are now connecting to who you truly arethe observer, the witness to circumstances. Stream drawing is one way to get into that observer mode and fast, plus it is a physical action, which edifies your intention because it puts into action, and then into physical form via the actual drawing on paper.
Stream draw to get control over the pain body, and fly over it. And have some fun!