Stream Drawing Coping with Covid Days May 26, 2020

Stream Drawing Meditation/General Meditation on Coping with Pandemic May 26, 2020

In this stream drawing meditation, a general one for us all, many archetypal themes were visual present. First, that of the brave scout who faces the future (at the crown, on the right, facing right or “future”) which in itself is an optimistic posture. One who can begin to imagine the future through a pandemic is beginning to see through the haze. For a few months there it was not easy to see beyond the shock of the reality that a killer virus was altering our lives, and ending many. With this positive image is the number 4, for me in part symbolizing security and balance. Something most of us long for–especially through uncertain times. It appears with the image of a dog, forlornly (perhaps) looking at the past. The dog longs for past comforts. Dog stands for “trust” and “loyalty”. Is it possible that what we once trusted is no longer so trustworthy? The job, the overall structure of the system, the “way we do things” etc? Therefore, this calls us to question everything, including the other aspect dog symbolizes–loyalty. When a pandemic throws it all into the air, and when our ways are threatened or changed, we get to ask, or are forced to ask ourselves what are we loyal to, and are those things deserving of our loyalty and devotion? Had we given our time and focus to that which was not worthy or to that which is no longer sustainable for us? And on the left–a lovely image there in the crown reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles, we have spiritual help and really good ideas–new ways of perceiving ourselves, new ideas about how to go about things, new based on things we have learned in the past, perhaps–but peaceful coping skills. Don’t imagine yourself alone through all of this!

Moving down to heart chakra, we see a proud, puffed up bird. Ready to get going, ready to strut. This could be the shadow side of pride, the kind that might force the world to get back to where it was too fast. Maybe it will never get back to where it was, and maybe jumping too fast to force it will be an egotistical mistake. Many might get sick and die because of this “prideful” action. Some may say it was worth it, after all, we all die one day, right? But whether it is pride that can set us up for difficult life challenges, or a proud bird simply ready to thrive, to dance and say, “I love life!” the heart is awake for moving onward. The best way to move forward, indicated here by the number 2, for me is signified by grace (the swan). Grace is acquired via forgiveness. Not holding ourselves (or others) hostage to inner toxic emotions such as rage, hostility, animosity, or regret or blame. We thrive best by forgiving. It takes a while to forgive, but we do truly thrive once we are weightless without the heavy burdens of negative emotion.

And just below that, we have two aspects of self (one looks at where one just was, perhaps a few months ago?–and one looks at where one is headed). The self sees change and asks, “Who me?” And the answer to that is, “Yes, you!” Change is upon us. Why not change things the way we always wanted it to be? Some things can change for the good, but like all real good change, it has to start from within. We have to change from inside-out in order to see the world be a better place. And this is in the sacral, the most powerful place for creating within us. Below that, at the root, is a bold bird, facing past. To have a bird at the root is a good sign to be grounded, yet with the bird’s-eye-view, as if soaring high above the fray. To not be subject to the past (to not feel the sting of it so much) we are actually grounded in learning but with the best sense of insight and vision for how to fly forward. To see the YouTube video of this, click here.

For your own personal intuitive stream drawing reading, contact me here at

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