Shifting Times and Our Spiritual Path

Shifting Times and Our Spiritual Path
In these really impressively shifting times (pandemic, seriously meaningful social change) it becomes more and more magnified how important it is for us to allow our personal spiritual path to open for us. And that is a dual transmission undertaking: we do that with Spirit. The forces around us invoke us to go inward and strengthen the relationship we have with that inner voice. The quiet knowing we all have, and the guidance we each are never without, but which we can only attune with when we are in alignment with it, through asserting a desire to connect to it.
I am sending this to you because I have been doing intuitive stream drawings to help us all with these big global events, since we collectively experience them and yet we personally must find meaning in them. I have posted the stream drawing meditations on social media and share videos on YouTube in particular, in case they offer support or inspiration. I’ve done a recent stream drawing meditation via interview with The Westport Public Library Artist-in-Residence Studio Tours on Covid-19, and one on the response to the George Floyd incident.  Here is a link to both of those in case you’d like to explore in your own meditations:
George Floyd Meditation:
Coping with Covid/Westport Public Library Stream Drawing:
While we grapple with so many emotive world events, we know our own paths open for great spiritual transformation and we enter a new consciousness. We can do this together, we were born for these times. Please know you are all in my prayers and daily intentions for peace, creative abundance and vibrant lives full of great joy.

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