Shekinah Series: Flowers for the Bride

This is a new work from my series, Shekinah. It is 36″x24″ acrylic on canvas. ($700)

There is twilight inside of each of us, like a light within that becomes otherworldly. It is beyond time and order and is an in-dwelling force of love, of newness, of the promise of all things good. Without this inner twilight, we are simply animals striving, eating, scratching out a life. It is the Bride who reminds us that we are more, we are spiritual beings within a human body, and it is cause for great celebration. And it is with a sense of awe that we step softly or run vigorously to thrive as best we can all the days of this brief life.

At twilight on Shabbat, we welcome the Bride. She is Shekinah. Welcome the part of yourself that is not just physical but which gives the physical its ballast and hope. Celebrate that mysterious other, the magical and wondrous aspects of yourself, and recognize it in others.

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