A Pug’s Guide to Happiness

My new gift book, A PUG’S GUIDE TO HAPPINESS (a bit of a humorous mind-body-spirit self-help guide, pug-style) is now out and available on Amazon. It was so much fun creating this little book because my pug is a great, hilarious daily inspiration. She’s humorous in her self-assertion, indomitable spirit and winning ways.

Here’s the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/194596250X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1500302339&sr=8-1&keywords=a+pugs+guide+to+happiness

If you are a pug club or pet shop/boutique or would like to order in bulk wholesale do so at www.lisahaganbooks.com

New Work: Girl and Uncles

A new painting, Girl and Uncles, is now at Art/Place Gallery in Fairfield, CT through April 9th 2017

I don’t often directly paint dreams, though I am continually inspired by my dreams. This particular dream was so soothing and wonderful, I wanted to capture its essence at least. In the dream, there was a girl sitting on a velvet chair in a living room with soft off white, feathery carpet. The floor was hilly! And it made perfect sense somehow. Soft, feathery shadows of trees and things danced across the hilly floors. The girl had two uncles, and both were busy making the home lovely for her. It was a magical dream.

Jacob’s Ladder and the Symbolism of the Tallit



Elaine Clayton  Jacob’s Ladder “Where the Sea Meets the Sky”

I became a Bat Mitzvah recently and had chosen as my Torah portion Jacob’s Ladder. I have for many, many years longed to chant Hebrew. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever done and I guess when I turned 50 I decided was time to experience some of the things I had always wanted to experience. I have never felt happier in so doing. The depth and breadth of Torah, the Tree of Life, the conversation and love of learning, and the healing experience in chanting tones and half tones. The ancient language alone has a momentous, spiritually life changing power in it. I created this diptych for a visual component for my D’var Torah (talk on Jacob’s Ladder). It just so happened that when we brought the paintings to the temple, they fit PERFECTLY in front of the bima–as though they had been sized and fitted to be placed there. To me, that was a sign that it was all “meant to be”.



Detail of a recent painting/ Elaine Clayton 2016

When we come together, something happens. Have you felt that synergy–the feeling of joining with others and a momentum begins? This happens especially when we connect with the intention to create out of a sense of love and goodness for the world.

Autumn Stream of Consciousness and Painting


Detail of a recent painting Elaine Clayton copyright 2016
As the seasons change, from summer now into autumn, the air is pleasant and my dreams have been very cinematic and the themes range from disturbing to peaceful. They are very complex and graphic. It seems dreams are this way during times of transition, there is a heightened sense of awareness or alertness in the unconscious mind. I journal when I wake up so I don’t lose the delicate threads of the meanings and feelings (meanings yet undiscovered or processed) of these astral scenes.


Detail of a recent intuitive stream drawing 2016

Detail of a recent intuitive stream drawing 2016

Playing with the lines and shapes in a stream drawing is enjoyable, meditative and meaningful. In this one, two themes joined together, that of Mother Goose and The Wolf. There is a figure 8 between that that serves as a scarf tied on the head. For me the figure 8, when present in a stream drawing, is an indicator of soul purpose (prompting questions we may often ask in life like, “what is my purpose, why am I going through this”…etc). Mother Goose signifies learning in early childhood, which includes parenting and all that goes with it. We think of ourselves as complete and ready to raise the child but in fact honestly we get our life lessons through taking care of the child.
The wolf here, from Little Red Riding Hood, symbolizes many things, according to Native American animal wisdom, wolf is “teacher”. Anything we go through in life that is tricky, difficult, hard–anyone we meet who is troublesome for us–these all present as teachers for us. The wolf in Little Red Riding Hood was a real threat, posing as the grandmother. But Little Red was not fooled, although she was still very much in danger.

These two images coming together say a lot to me about the innocence of childhood, the threats we learn to protect our children and ourselves from entering in or harming our children and ourselves.

The Mother Goose here looks to the left, signifying the past. Past lessons seen upon reflection. The wolf faces future. Perhaps this is a reminder that as we move forward we will have many more life lessons to live, we will encounter “wolf” medicine (whatever is difficult) and we will, in the end, have more wisdom after being exposed to that which may seem very threatening, either in practical ways to our sense of security, or in emotional and psychological ways.

Try a stream drawing today and see what imagery and symbolism you may find!



I am offering one-on-one and small group stream drawing workshops for adults and children at my studio. Contact me here on this site to schedule your ultra-fun, relaxing, magical and surprising stream drawing time with me. I look forward to seeing you at Cottage Studio!

Sketching on the Saugutuck: Later in the summer I will return to Westport Public Library for the 6th summer in a row! Sign up for this lovely drawing event by contacting the Westport Public Library.

In the fall, I’ll be teaching workshops at wellness centers and through Westport Continuing Education and will post more info on that soon!


Detail of a recent painting in progress

Detail of a recent painting in progress

When loved ones die, we kind of tilt our heads upward and ask them to look out for us, thinking they’re up there in heaven where they can help us down here. And that is true, they can, and they do. Yet there is another thing unfolding. In Jewish Mysticism (which I fell in love with in my early twenties, or before really) there is a teaching that we actually have a large impact on those who have come before us and died before us.

How do we impact them? On earth, where there is a lot of contrast, pain and suffering, we are given a chance to expand God’s knowledge through our experiences, and then bring love, forgiveness and understanding into these painful situations. And when we bring love into sorrow or healing into injury, we not only help ourselves and people involved with us here in our lives (and often many we don’t know we are impacting) we help our loved ones and ancestors who have already died by increasing the Presence of Love. Yes, that’s right–our choices help them. And they’re rooting for us!

Our learning and expansion never ends. God is a great creator and the expansion of knowing and loving never stops.So when you forgive, you eventually do it to save your own self so you’re not miserable and unhappy, but realize too that you do that for your parents, grandparents and so forth. ALL will benefit from it, not just ourselves alone or the ones directly involved in the situation!


Is there an animal you especially relate to? When my kids were little, I related to bears because mother bears are so protective of their young. I have always been completely enthralled with bald eagles. I love horses. And lions. And…

Try doing a stream drawing and see what animal pops up. This morning, I got dog (and I featured this drawing in today’s newsletter–please subscribe to receive the images I send out with the intention to inspire, support and celebrate you/me on our life’s crazy, wild ride). Dog symbolizes trust, loyalty, unconditional love and companionship. Who is worthy of my trust? Am I trustworthy?

Oh–and a blue jay showed up–I love them. They’re fierce birds, aren’t they? I have to look up meanings for blue jay. If you know, let me know!