New Work: Earth Changes/Pole Shift: Rapids I and Tectonic Plates

I’m happy to say most of the paintings in my series, “Earth Changes/Pole Shift” based on the early 20th Century predictions of Edgar Cayce have sold. I am still enthralled with our ever-polarized world and so the series continues. Usually I’d think of polarization being visually shown with opposites (black/white for example) but life doesn’t feel exactly like that in our stressful political climate, our relationships with one another, especially those who don’t see things the way we do. What it feels like to me is a tension-filled push and pull, and we go around with extreme weather personalities or reactions. We erupt, storm, surge, crack up and tussle with ourselves and one another. And yet, as one woman pointed out, these paintings always show, “a way out.” There is a way out, and we have to allow it out together.

Earth Changes/Pole Shift: Rapids I  acrylic on canvas 36″x36″


Earth Changes/Pole Shift: Tectonic Plates  acrylic on canvas 36″x36″

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