Fall in love with the mystical and wondrous Hebrew aleph bet by knowing they are much more than just letters to study for your bar or bat mitzvah, they are gifts to empower and guide you. Each letter formation, according to our ancient mystics, is an expression of how the entire universe was created, and can be seen in nature, for example. (see The Hebrew Letter Shin painting below).

So, what’s Jewish about stream drawing?
Stream Drawing with Hebrew Letters Workshop: In this unique workshop, you will engage in a two-part creative, spiritual exploration. You’ll recapture creative freedom, much the way you abundantly expressed when very young, using a drawing method that is easy, fun and at times profound. You’ll develop artistic-intuitive insight through this meditative (but light hearted!) process and realign with your inner creative genius. By sharpening your individual sense of perception, gazing into the drawn lines and forms, you’ll strengthen intuitive intelligence and artistic vision, trusting your impressions. Discovering and connecting abstract imagery to deeper meaning with the same kind of mystical depth the ancient rabbis and scholars delved in, using the aleph bet (which, they taught are the linear expressions that the entire universe is made of). Choosing your favorite Hebrew letter, you will explore the linear expression of the letter and connect with it through inner strength, drawing forth resilience and adaptability, self assertion and open-heartedness. This workshop supports a genuine love of Judaism and the ability to find solutions to life themes and experiences through creative, contemplative focus.
Small and large groups via Zoom and in-person, individualized for your needs (price ranges from one-on-one @ $125 an hour to $300 plus supplies for larger groups). Contact me at elaineclaytonreadings@gmail.com for more information. (To learn more about stream drawing, see MAKING MARKS: Discover the Art of Intuitive Drawing/Elaine Clayton/Simon and Schuster-Beyond Words)