Intuitive Stream Drawing Sessions

Detail of a recent intuitive stream drawing done on behalf of a client

The reason why I do intuitive stream drawing sessions is because this creative stream-of-consciousness method supports an inner dialogue, not the loop of endless worries or pain-filled memories, but an awareness of why we do what we do, and in becoming more conscious, we are more likely to strike out doing what is best for us, what our “soul purpose” is. In other words, to live abundantly and fully the life we would most like to live. In this detail of a recent stream drawing I did for a client, I saw the infinity symbol (#8 on its side) and when I see that, for me that drawn line configuration is the symbol of soul purpose. I saw a large central #8 and then (to the right) a smaller one zooming in as if to say, “Time to start that NEW purpose” and I communicated this to the client. Over and over in this drawing there were similar messages with the theme: “It is time to start doing what you’d most love to do. Seek it, find it, create it! What you’ve done so far you’ve done well and it taught you well, but it is now time for that NEW thing that allows you to actually express the creative you that you are.” I urged her to start looking on line for corporations more open to her artistic background and essential creative streak which had suffered somewhat amongst people who could not and never would appreciate her unique expressions. (We often choose jobs that mirror a lack of acceptance we felt at home in early life, unconsciously trying to heal that old wound). She left saying she’d start looking. She called the next day to say she’d had a shock–her job was terminated. She did not need to be reminded that her spiritual knowing already had that insight, the new new was upon her and she didn’t really need me to tell her, life was telling her. But the fact that she came to me for help with it, for me, is a sacred privilege. (see MAKING MARKS: Discover the Art of Intuitive Drawing)


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