I offer workshops for children and adults! As author-illustrator-teacher I have conducted workshops in schools, libraries, museums and arts centers since in my early twenties. I love to combine the passion I have for art and books with young creators as well as with adults seeking to recapture their innate sense of creative ingenuity. Contact me to book a workshop @elaineclaytonreadings@gmail.com (one-on-one, small and large groups)!

Workshops and Intuitive Stream Drawing Classes

Workshops for Adults

The workshop for adults and young adults (see about workshops for children below) is centered on the self-discovery methods in my books MAKING MARKS: DISCOVER THE ART OF INTUITIVE DRAWING and THE WAY OF THE EMPATH. Participants learn to reclaim drawing as a wonderful tool for creative expression, developing intuitive, empathic sensing and visual-intuitive skills. This practice is great for generating ideas and insights, and for releasing stress creatively. Participants draw with abandon, playfully getting into a stream-of-consciousness flow of thought and feeling. The second component to this enriching workshop is to explore artistic-intuitive visual intelligence, gazing at marks made to see the way lines and shapes hold meaning, both general and personal. Includes individual exploration and partners also may work together. To schedule a Stream Drawing workshop, just contact me here on this site.
Offered as:
2 hour session/ individual $150 plus Making Marks book
2 hour session/ small group 3-5 people $150 per person and book
Each participant must own a hard copy of the MM book as a guide for practice and further knowledge of the process, and come with a sketchbook and pencil
Scroll down to see more general information on Intuitive Stream Drawing below
Workshops for Children
This workshop with the Westport Public Library in Westport, CT was long running and a real privilege to do each year. Every summer we gathered by the river to draw.


Barnes and Noble workshop and book signing (above)–some young volunteers try “gesture drawing”–blind contour drawing as a way to develop empathic sensing
Children naturally draw with complete abandon (on walls or anywhere there is a blank surface) but lose that innate creative impulse after the “age of reason” or as they feel drawing is only valued if it is representational (looks like something recognizable). I seek to provide children of all ages with the empowerment to use drawing as an expressive practice life-long, and to see the emotive and intuitive strength gained by drawing. I’ve taught stream drawing in school, library, community centers and museum settings. Please contact me here on this site or call 203-312-6764. I will send you a specialized plan for these workshops.

Working with children in learning to draw without fear to get into the creative flow in Westchester County

Drawing workshop in Westport, CT

Children take turn posing while the mark-maker draws (imagining what it would feel like to be this person in the pose)
Workshops and Classes for Adults

It was a privilege stream drawing with dynamic creators (above) at Covenant House for at-risk young adults, Atlanta
Individual One-on-One Stream Drawing Classes are intensely focused 1 hour sessions ($150.00) and you must have a copy of the MAKING MARKS book for stream drawing practice and in-depth reading, learning the 4 basic steps of intuitive stream drawing. In this session we delve deeply into creative expression, intuitive-visual exploration and interpretation of visual imagery for intuitive insight. To set up a private stream drawing session, contact me via this site or email me at elaineclaytonreadings@gmail.com
Group Stream Drawing Special Classes: for adult specialty groups (local book clubs, volunteer organizatoins,etc) are structured like this:
Groups of 3-5 $54 per person for a 2 hour session, and each participant will need a copy of the MAKING MARKS book. In this course you will be learning to develop intuitive-visual acumen and a personal “visual library” for strengthening intuitive intelligence. This is a group introduction to stream drawing and will be playful, joyous and at times surprising and profound. I’ll introduce the basics of stream drawing and the practice of interpreting stream drawings for personal use. (For classes outside the Atlanta area, a travel stipend will be arranged). Simply contact me here on this site to schedule small group stream drawing sessions, or email me at elaineclaytonreadings@gmail.com.
In NYC and CT Classes for adults focus on Intuitive Stream Drawing have taken place at the wellness center where I practiced readings and Reiki, on 5th Avenue in NYC and in my studio in Westport (now also offered in Atlanta, GA/South East–see above). If you’d like to register to schedule your group session or a private reading in Westport, CT, email me here: elaineclaytonreadings@gmail.com
It is time to listen to that voice within! Develop your empathic sensing and intuition through discovery and experimentation! Learn to do your own readings for yourself and others.
For years I’ve given programs in schools, libraries and museums, using gesture drawing to help people develop confidence in creative expression and intuitive, empathic sensing.

Intuitive Stream Drawing: I’ll show you my technique known as “Intuitive Stream Drawing” (detailed in my new book, MAKING MARKS: Discover the Art of Intuitive Drawing / Simon and Schuster/Beyond Words) drawing in a free-style state which opens you to creative solutions and intuitive connections.
This workshop is individualized to suit the needs of the host entity (wellness center, art center, private group etc) and can be 2 hours, half day or all day. Contact me through elaineclaytonreadings@gmail.com for more information and to set up a fun, creative and empathic workshop for you and your guests, clients or friends.
This is a step-by-step process for people who would like to use the stream drawing method as a mode of encouraging intuitive, creative exploration with others. Note: With stream drawing, you draw and intuit your own drawing, we never intuit another person’s drawing (unless invited to take a look for another eye-view). Everyone who stream draws should feel safe–nobody wants to draw if we feel we are being analyzed. Mark makers should not feel they are being analyzed by another person, ever. The point of stream drawing is YOU create your own stream drawing and YOU gaze in to it to see what YOU see. You may stream draw while thinking of another person, but again, you are drawing and you are gazing/intuiting. Stream drawing is never about looking at someone else’s drawing and telling them what you see in their drawing. That would feel oppressive and judgmental for the mark-maker and is not what stream drawing is about. So, steps are taken to develop this process with care and respect.
The workshop for adults and young adults, is centered on the self-discovery methods in my new book MAKING MARKS: DISCOVER THE ART OF INTUITIVE DRAWING. Participants learn to reclaim drawing as a wonderful tool for creative expression, developing intuitive, empathic sensing and visual-intuitive skills. This practice is great for generating ideas and insights, and for releasing stress. Participants draw with abandon, playfully getting into a stream-of-consciousness flow of thought and feeling. The second component to this enriching workshop is to explore artistic visual intelligence, gazing at marks made to see the way lines and shapes hold meaning, both general and personal. There is individual exploration and partners work together. To schedule a Stream Drawing workshop, just contact me here on this site.
Offered as:
2 hour session/ individual $150 per hour plus Making Marks book
2 hour session/ small group 3-5 people $150 per person and book
Each participant must own a hard copy of the MM book as a guide for practice and further knowledge of the process, and come with a sketchbook and pencil
More About Intuitive Stream Drawing for Deeper Intuitive Intelligence
Using the intuitive stream drawing method shared in MAKING MARKS: DISCOVER THE ART OF INTUITIVE DRAWING. We explore drawing freely, with intention, to solve problems and to seek answers to life’s questions. Working with others, we put into practice these steps: Draw with Emotion, Gaze, Trust Your Words and Discover and Connect (covered in the MM book). This is a workshop for people interested in developing a deeper level of intuitive intelligence and for healing arts practitioners who wish to learn to use this method for personal use, or to potentially use stream drawing seriously with clients:
Offered as:
2 hour session/ individual $150 per hour plus Making Marks book
2 hour session/ small group 3-5 people $150 per person and book
Each participant must own a hard copy of the MM book as a guide for practice and further knowledge of the process, and come with a sketchbook and pencil
*Larger group classes can be negotiated per time/travel etc
To schedule a group workshop in your area, contact me here.

Participants drawing and discussing at a recent Intuitive Stream Drawing Workshop in Virginia
Intuitive Stream Drawing Level 3
For those who have completed Level 1 and 2. This is a one-on-one session only.
In this workshop, participants experience one-on-one sessions, reading for others throughout the session time and discussing/integrating content using the Four Directions ( 2 Life Experience views and 2 Chakra Chart views covered in the MM book). This in-depth experience is very valuable and necessary for those wishing to use this modality daily with clients.
Memory Response to Drawing: Using ILLUMINARA INTUITIVE JOURNAL with CARDS, combined with Intuitive Heart techniques*, we’ll explore how memory and personal life story informs us and will always guide us.
Dreams and Intuitive Knowing: Using ILLUMINARA INTUITIVE JOURNAL with CARDS we will explore dreaming for each other and discover how our dreams can heal us and guide us, connecting us to the “Divine Within” and enabling us to serve one another in the process.
Intuitive Readings: You will practice giving intuitive readings with ILLUMINARA INTUITIVE JOURNAL with CARDS as part of this course (and build confidence through experience!). This supports your development of building a visual-intuitive language which is all your own.
What you get: Experience with many ways in which visual images convey emotional and intuitive content, exploring how multi-dimensional these intuitive stream drawings are when we consider them as tools for reflection.
What you will need: You will need a hard copy of MAKING MARKS: Discover the Art of Intuitive Drawing, a blank sketchbook (8 x 10 or 9 x 12 approx.), art pencils and/or pens.
You must own a hard copy of the MM book and come with sketchbook and pencil.
To inquire about this program, email or call (203) 312-6764.

This commissioned painting above expresses the harmonious and magical feeling of being in the created world, creating and cherishing the unique creative power in others. On Location in Your Area* I love traveling to teach this method–I will go on location to your area to conduct group workshops ( small or large). If you’d like more details and to schedule me to come to you, email me here: elaineclaytonreadings@gmail.com