Stream Drawing 1,2,3

Stream drawing is used crucially in three main ways:

  1. As a visual, creative-meditation method in where one draws freely and uses color to express wellbeing, in a stream of consciousness flow (think of the coloring craze–how everyone knew that recapturing the good vibes we once knew from childhood while intensely coloring in coloring books, reset our feelings of balance and happiness)
  2. As an intuitive visual tool in where the stream drawing line work talks to us in meditation, triggering memories and feelings in a more consciously recognizable way (we see in the stream drawing, without effort, images that we associate with objects, people, places–these hold meanings and messages for us that have a wealth of knowledge and insight for us)
  3. Stream drawing is used as a way to do in-depth intuitive readings for ourselves or for another. I am, as an intuitive reader, honored to create intuitive stream drawings on behalf of clients who seek me out, and in such cases spend close to an hour doing a stream drawing and meditation prior to reach reading which lasts an hour.
1.This is a stream drawing created with the stream-of-consciousness flow, much like the freedom of joyous interplay we immersed in as children with our coloring books. This kind of visual, creative-meditation is more important now than ever because of the excess stress and angst we feel with all that goes with a global pandemic and social revolution underway.

2. This is a stream drawing depicting the effortless visual finding of recognizable imagery in the drawing–which, when playfully notating and pondering, can lead to very meaningful insights as they trigger memories, personal unconscious meanings and associations which are emotive and important to explore.
3. Stream drawings are also used as a form of intensely deep intuitive/psychic readings, as they become visual tools for inner knowing and guides for intuiting for self, or on behalf of others or for questions we have about life. I have offered intuitive stream drawing readings for over a decade now, and wrote MAKING MARKS: Discover the Art of Intuitive Drawing because I wanted to empower people to develop their own way of deepening their natural intuitive gifts, so that people would not be taken in by charlatans, and could seek their own intuitive guidance by those they trust when/if they need to, but would never allow anyone to get in-between themselves and the innate guidance they are never separated from, deep within.

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